Pitch Ranges

Below are the pitch ranges of some common musical instruments. The note names and octave numbers are written below the piano keyboard. Middle C and A440 are marked.

For more on pitch and note names, please visit 1. Note Names, Semitones and Octaves.

For more on octave numbers as used in this post, please visit Text Notation: Pitch And Octave Numbering.

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Middle C

Each note can occur at various octaves. The exact octave of a note can be indicated using octave numbers. Octaves are numbered starting on C.
The lowest C is C1.
The range of a piano keyboard is from A0 to C8.

Middle C is the name given to C4. Middle C is a pitch that most instruments, high to low, can play and is considered to be in the middle of the range of instrument pitches.

Middle C is the link between the treble and bass clefs. It sits on an imaginary line just above the bass clef and just below the treble clef.
This line, called a ledger line, is drawn through the notehead when needed.
Middle C is the C below A440.