12. Major Keys And The Cycle/Circle Of Fifths

This post is one of a 2-part series of free basic music theory lessons on my blog, musictheoryde-mystified.com. You can see the complete list here. Please feel welcome to make a comment or ask a question.

The Order Of Keys

Look at the list from the last lesson, 11. Introduction To Keys And Key Signatures: Major Keys.

Now that the keys are in key signature order,we can make one more observation:

The order that the keys come in (the order of the root notes of the keys) is the same as the order that the sharps or flats come in, just starting on a different note than the root note, as shown here by the red arrows.

  • For sharps keys, the next key is the 5th letter above the current key.
  • For flats keys, the pattern is reversed. The next key is the 4th letter above the current key, which is the same as saying it’s the 5th letter below the current key. We call this sequence the Cycle of 5ths (see below).

Sharps Keys

  • The sharps keys start with G major (one sharp) and go up 5 letters at a time.
    The sharps themselves start with F#, the 7th note of G major.
  • The latest sharp of a key signature is the 7th note of the scale or one letter below the root note.

Flats Keys

  • The flats keys start with F major (one flat) and go down 5 letters at a time.
  • The flats themselves start with Bb, the 4th note of F major.
  • The latest flat of a key signature is the 4th note of the scale, the 4th letter counting up from the root note.

Why Are Some Notes Missing? 

Notice also that some note names aren’t on this list. The list of keys above only goes up to 7 sharps or 7 flats. It could go further, but scales in those keys would have more sharps or flats than notes! We would need to use double sharps or double flats in order to preserve the note naming rule (see 10. How To Find The Notes Of A Scale).

Most notes have two possible names. If the root note isn’t on the list, simply re-spell the note (re-name it with the alternative note name) and it will be there. With the alternate spelling, the same sounding key uses only a few single sharps or flats instead of doubles and is much easier to read. For this reason, keys with more than 7 sharps or flats are seldom used.

For example, G# major has 8 sharps including F double-sharp. The note G# can also be called Ab. Because it’s the root note there is no special reason to use a particular name as long as we have the right pitch. G# can be re-spelled to Ab. Ab major only has 4 flats; Bb, Eb, Ab and Db.

The Cycle (Circle) Of 5ths – The Ultimate Shortcut

The cycle of fifths (aka circle of fifths) is the ultimate shortcut for finding keys and key signatures. It’s just the list of keys we’ve already looked at above, but in condensed form.

Since keys and key signatures follow the same pattern, we don’t need to write them out separately. Here’s how it works:

This is a very long line… We can shorten it a bit by putting the sharps and flats sections on top of each other. The sharps list reads from left to right, the flats list from right to left (see arrows). The green dotted line represents where the sharps and flats themselves start.

To find the key signature of a scale:

  1. Find the root note. For example, D major is in the sharps row, Db major is in the flats row. F major is in the flats row, F# major is in the sharps row.
  2. If you can’t find the root note, its key signature has more than 7 sharps or flats. These are seldom used. Re-spell the name and look again.
  3. The number above (or below) the root note is the number of sharps or flats in the key signature.
  4. From the start of the row, follow the direction of the arrow until you cross the green dotted line. The first note after that line (the first letter with a sharp or flat) is always the first sharp or flat in the key signature.
  5. Continue reading the following sharps or flats up to the number that’s written above (or below) the root note.
  6. On each stave of the piece, write the sharps or flats after the clef, in the order that you found them. Be sure to write them at the standard octave for key signatures, as listed in the previous post, 11. Introduction To Keys and Key Signatures: Major Keys.


E major

E major
  • E major is in the sharps row and has 4 sharps.
  • Reading from left to right, the first sharp is always F#.
  • Continue counting sharps until there are 4: F#, C#, G#, D#.

Ab major

Ab major
  • Ab major is in the flats row and has 4 flats.
  • Reading from right to left, the first flat is always Bb.
  • continue counting flats until there are 4: Bb, Eb, Ab, Db.

The first sharp is always F# and the first flat is always Bb. If you remember BCEF, you already know this…

So far we’ve only looked at major keys. For minor keys we could use a similar list as the one above but the sequence would start on A, the minor with no sharps or flats, rather than C. The pattern would be the same but all the numbers would be different.

There is an easier way to do minor keys. We’ll visit that in the next lesson, so for now we’ll just stay with the major keys.

Try These

Here are a few keys for you to look up in the cycle of 5ths, using either the line version or the circle version below. Find some paper and a pencil and write down the name of each key with the key signature next to it, with the sharps or flats in the correct order. Answers at the end of this post.

  • G major
  • B major
  • Gb major
  • Bb major

What’s a 5th?

We haven’t formally looked at interval names yet, that’s for a future post. Essentially, we count the interval (pitch difference) between notes in letters, including the first and last letters of the interval.

From a note to itself, such as C to the same C, is one letter. This interval is called a 1st.

From C to D is 2 letters is a 2nd, from C to E is a 3rd, etc. all the way up to an octave, from C to the next C above (or below) it, the 8th note. Octave means 8th, hence the name “octave”. A 5th is 5 letters, such as from C to G.

Real interval names go a bit further than that but in essence, interval names are based on counting letters.

The cycle of 5ths is so named because the interval from one note to the next in the cycle is a 5th. Reading from left to right, for sharps keys, the cycle goes up in 5ths, while reading from right to left, for flats keys, it goes down in 5ths.

The Circle Game

Many people say Circle of 5ths rather than Cycle of 5ths. This is because, instead of showing the pattern across a page, potentially trailing off each margin forever, it can be shown as a circle. The circle is the most popular way of representing the Cycle of 5ths. It works just the same as the line version we used, with left-to-right (sharps) being clockwise and right-to-left (flats), anticlockwise.

Here’s the circle representation of the cycle of 5ths for major keys.

The circle of 5ths is often shown without the extra sharps/flat: after all, these just follow the same sequence as the root notes. Instead, the key signature is displayed next to each key, as below. This is great as an image on your device but not as clear for committing to memory.

For jotting down quickly on paper from memory, I find the line version easier, but if you have the image to look at, the circle version with key signatures is great. The circle also has the added benefit of being able to show minor keys on the same image. We’ll come back to minor keys in the next post but if you want to have a look, visit The Cycle (circle) Of Fifths.

Know Your Key Signatures

Much of what we’ll learn in the rest of this course is dependent on knowledge of key signatures and the cycle of 5ths. Keys and key signatures are essential concepts in the language of music.

Furthermore, the cycle of 5ths is more than just a list of keys. It also represents the musical relationships between chords within an overall key, possibly the most important topic of all (but that’s for a future post).

TIP: It’s worth learning all the keys and their key signatures, or at least the common keys for your instrument or genre. Start with the major keys. Later I’ll show you a schortcut for minors.

I’m not a fan of unnecessary rules but any language has a basic vocabulary and syntax. Music is no different. Just as we need to learn the symbols for note pitch and duration, the “key” to musical success in almost any genre is to become familiar with keys and key signatures.

A Mnemonic Can Help

In primary schools, the Cycle of 5ths is taught as a mnemonic. Mine was a boring one, Go Down And Enter By Fifths, with a C at each end. I’m sure you can come up with your own… A mnemonic is a good idea because keys are the times tables of music and should be deeply embedded in your mind.

Keys are the times tables of music.

This post is one of a growing series of free basic music theory lessons on my blog, musictheoryde-mystified.com. You can see the complete list here.

Please feel welcome to like, comment or to share this post. If you have any questions, pleased leave them as a comment and I will respond as soon as I can. If you enjoy my posts and would like to be kept up to date, please subscribe.

Much of the material in this post, including the custom diagrams, is taken from Music Theory De-mystified, my upcoming music theory reference.

NEXT LESSON: 13. Relative Major And Minor

PART 1 CONTENTS: Basic Music Theory Course Contents

Answers to “Try These”

  • G major has 1 sharp, F#
  • B major has 5 sharps, F# C# G# D# A#
  • Gb major has 6 flats, Bb Eb Ab Db Gb Cb
  • Bb major has 2 flats, Bb Eb

11. Introduction To Keys and Key Signatures: Major Keys

This post is one of a 2-part series of free basic music theory lessons on my blog, musictheoryde-mystified.com. You can see the complete list here. Please feel welcome to make a comment or ask a question.

This post and the next two cover two important musical concepts. If you need to read them more than once, please do so. If you have any questions, please post them as a comment. I’ll be happy to answer them.

Scales And Keys: What’s The Difference?

A scale is a list of a series of consecutive notes adding up to an octave, based on and named after its first note, the root note, and its mode (e.g. major or minor).

key is the musical use of the notes of a scale. A piece is said to be in a key, (e.g. C major), when it is largely made up of the notes of the scale (e.g. of C major) and we can hear the tonality of the mode (e.g.major). For more detail, please visit How Can We Tell Which Key We’re In?

I prefer to think of this in reverse priority:

  • A key is music, a scale is a list of notes that music is made from. 
  • A key is the cake, the scale is the ingredient list.
  • A scale is the notes of a key, listed in consecutive pitch order.

Keys and scales have the same name, except if you’re writing or playing a scale you say the word “scale” in the description:

  • “This piece is in C major” means “this piece is in the key of C major”.
  • Else you would say “play the scale of C major” or “play the C major scale”.

In other words, when talking about actual music we say “key”, not “scale”.

Practical Tip: To easily play in a key you need to be familiar with its scale. 

A Scale Has A Key

Since a scale is also a basic melody, a scale itself is in a key. For example, the scale of C major is in the key of C major. 

Unless we’re actually playing scales, we talk in terms of keys rather than scales.

Key Signatures

Apart from C major and A minor, other major or minor keys require some notes that are sharps or flats. So far, we’ve written them in before each note. That’s no big deal if it’s just a scale but in a piece, some of those notes might be used many times. It’s hard work when writing and the music ends up looking cluttered.

Melody in A major without key signature

A key signature uses the space on the stave just after the clef, before the time signature or any notes, to store the sharps or flats of that key for the whole length of the stave. Now they don’t need to be written next to the notes. The music looks cleaner and it’s quicker to write.

Melody in A major with key signature

A key signature is a list of the sharps or flats used in a key.

The note naming rule states that each letter is only used for one note in the scale (7 scale notes, 7 letters), so the scale notes which are NOT in the key signature are naturals.

For example, the key signature of D major is 2 sharps, F# and C#. All the other letters are naturals.

Note: unlike time signatures, key signatures are written at the start of every stave.

The notes of a key can be played at any octave. If that note is a sharp or flat, it’s symbol is written next to the note; at the same octave as the note. In a key signature, however, a sharp or flat is only ever written at one particular octave and it applies to all octaves. It simply tells us that, for a given key, that note is a sharp or flat.

A key signature is a shortcut for writing out a scale. If we start on the root note and play the notes of the key signature, we’re playing the scale for that key.

It’s important to check the key signature, else you may play some wrong notes!

Here are two scales that look the same apart from the key signature. Carefully read the notes as you listen. In these two scales, every note is different because of the key signature!

The Order Of Sharps and Flats

The sharps or flats in the key signature are always written in the same order, regardless of the order in which the notes are played in the scale, and always in the octave shown below.

For sharps, the order is F# C# G# D# A# E# B#. F# is always the first sharp. Each sharp is the 5th letter above the previous sharp.

For flats, it’s the reverse, Bb Eb Ab Db Gb Cb Fb. Bb is always the first flat. Each flat is the 5th letter below (or the 4th letter above) the previous flat.

Don’t worry if you can’t remember all this, we’ll come back to it later…

Let’s look at A major, for example. In the scale, C# comes before F#, but in the key signature, F# appears before C#.

One big advantage to having a set order is that a player only needs to glance at the key signature to know which notes are sharps or flats. If you know the order, you only need to see how many there are.

Here’s the key signature order on the stave in the treble and bass clefs:

Note the octave where the symbols are written. For example, F# is written in the high octave rather than the low octave.

Why This Order?

Let’s say we worked out every major (or minor etc.) scale by counting semitones. If we looked at them all we would notice three things:

  • There are no scales with both sharps and flats.
  • The number of sharps/flats is unique. For example, there is only one major scale with 3 sharps.
  • Sharps and flats are cumulative. Once a sharp (or flat) is used in one scale, all the scales with more sharps (or flats) include that one.

We can reshuffle our list of scales in increasing key signature order. Here’s what the list of major scales looks like. To save space I have listed their key signatures rather than the whole scale:

Note: In the next post we’ll look at key signatures for minor keys as well as some shortcuts for learning key signatures.

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NEXT LESSON: 12. Major Keys And The Cycle/Circle Of Fifths

PART 1 CONTENTS: Basic Music Theory Course Contents

Scales, Modes And Keys: What’s The Difference?

These three terms are often confused. They refer to the same subject but in different ways. 


  • A scale is a series of (usually 7) consecutive note pitches finishing an octave above the first note. 
  • The series can be extended over several octaves and is either played in ascending or descending order. 
  • The first (and last) note of a scale is called the root note or tonic.


  • A mode is the pattern of intervals between the notes of a scale.
  • The pattern is based on the first note of the scale, the root note.
  • Western modes are made up of an irregular combination of (usually 1 and 2 semitone) intervals. This gives each mode a unique character called its tonality.


  • A key is the use of the notes and tonality of a scale in a piece.
  • A piece is “in a key” when it uses the notes of a scale in such a way that the tonality of its mode is apparent overall when listening/playing.


  • Tonality is the unique character of a mode, common to all keys in that mode.
  • The tonality of a mode is simply indicated by the mode’s name.

We should learn to recognise the tonality of the more common modes, both in a scale of that mode and in music written/played in that mode.

Names Of Scales And Keys

Scales and keys have the same names. They are named as the name of the root note followed by the name of the mode. For example:

  • the major scale on C is called C major.
  • Music using the notes of C major is in the key of C major.

For more on scales, modes and keys see 8. What is a scale?, 10. How To Find The Notes Of A Scale, 11. Introduction To Keys And Key Signatures: Major Keys.

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10. How To Find The Notes Of A Scale

This post is one of a 2-part series of free basic music theory lessons on my blog, musictheoryde-mystified.com. You can see the complete list here. Please feel welcome to make a comment or ask a question.

In a hurry? You can scroll down straight to the summary (but you’ll miss all the fun…)

A scale is the combination of a root note and a mode. It’s even named that way. C major means C is the root note and major (Ionian) is the mode. The same for A minor: A is the root note and minor (Aeolian) is the mode.

In 8. What Is A Scale? we saw that a scale is a selection of (typically 7) notes within an octave, and that our sense of tonality depends on knowing which of these notes is the root note. In a piece that has a clear tonality the notes are organised so that the root note (tonic) is highlighted, especially near the beginning and end.

We also discovered that the reason the root note is so important in allowing us to hear the musical character is because typical Western scales have uneven intervals from note to note. Changing the root note effectively changes the pattern, changing the mode and thus its character.

Scales On Different Root Notes

If you know the character of the mode, you can sing a scale in that mode. As long as it’s within your range, you can sing that scale starting on any note (without even knowing what that note is!). As long as you don’t change the mode it will sound the same, just higher or lower. 

The same is true for writing music. You can write a scale on any note. Here’s how it works: 

Let’s look at the the major mode, which naturally starts on C. C major is made up of only the naturals.

We can pick any other note as the root note and build a major scale on that. All we need to do is make sure we stick to the major mode, the pattern of intervals from note to note that matches C major, or else we’ll change its character.

Let’s say we want D major. If we just started on D and used the same notes we would have a different pattern of intervals – a different mode – a different character.

It would sound like this:

This scale has quite a different character to C major.

Instead, we use the same pattern of intervals as C major, write D as the root note and then, working from left to right, count the number of semitones from each note to the next to work out the other notes. This will involve using one or more sharps or flats.

  • The 2nd note should be 2 semitones higher. 2 semitones above D is E. 
  • The 3rd note is 2 semitones higher than E. F is 1 semitone higher than E and G is 3 semitones higher so we want the note in between. This could either be called F# (F+1) or Gb (G-1). What should we call it? We’ll come back to that shortly. We can put in both for now.
  • The 4th note is just 1 semitone further which is plain old G, and so on until the 7th note, 2 semitones above the 6th note, B. Again we have 2 options, C# or Db, and again we’ll write in both for now.
  • And, of course, the 8th note, 1 semitone above the 7th, should be exactly the same as the first, as it is the octave.

OK, time to look at what we’ve got… If we choose Gb for the 3rd note we have Gb AND G but no F, whereas if we call the 3rd note F# we have one F and one G. The same goes for the 7th note: Db uses the same name as the root note but a different sign, whereas C# allows one C and one D.

Now that we’ve worked out the notes in D major, let’s have a listen.

Now compare it to C major. The character should be the same, even though one scale is a little higher than the other…

The Note Naming Rule

For scales, there is one simple rule: the next note in a scale should have the next letter in its name.

Each note in a scale must have its own letter.

There’s a good reason for this: there are 7 note names, 7 notes in a scale and 7 pitch positions per octave on a stave.

Music notation is very visual. We can see the notes climb and descend as the melody itself climbs and descends. As we can see from the two versions of D major below, if two different notes in a scale share the same note name there are two different pitches sharing the same place on the stave and needing constant accidentals (sharps/flats/naturals) to show which is which. There is also one unused position, leaving a gap in the visual that we don’t hear.

Below is D major as notes on a stave showing both sets of note naming options. Try to read the notes while you listen. Which one is more visual (and less cluttered)?

Note: We can make a scale look even less cluttered by using a key signature. We’ll look at key signatures in the next lesson.

How to find the notes of a scale 

Now that we know how to work out what notes we need to write a major scale starting on D instead of C, we can do so for any mode and any root note.

As the most common modes are major and minor, let’s find the notes for some other major and minor scales.

  1. Choose a mode, e.g. major or minor.
  2. Write the note that you want to build the scale on as the 1st note (root note).
  3. Working from left to right, count how many semitones to the next note. Where there are two names for the same note, choose the name using the letter after the previous note.
  4. (safety check: if you’ve added it up right, the 8th note’s name should be exactly the same as the first).

TIP: Learn the patterns that make up the major and minor modes (I think of them as phone numbers).

Major .

Minor .

Example: D minor

Have a go…

Here’s the answer…

OK, this one’s minor and has a flat. Pure fluke! There is no connection between being major or minor and having sharps or flats.

Try These…

Grab some paper and a pencil and try a few more… Bb major, A major, C minor, F# minor.

Answers at the bottom of this post. Here’s what a blank major and minor look like:

Practical Tip

Pick a major or minor scale that’s easy to play on your instrument, find its notes and doodle around with those notes. Just in one octave will do for a start, then try 2 octaves worth – it’s more fun. As long as you highlight the root note every now and again, for instance by making it long or strong, you should be able to feel the tonality of the mode you’ve chosen, or at least keep coming back to it if the music goes elsewhere. For a bit more on how to highlight the root note, visit How Can We Tell What Key We’re In?


  • A scale is a combination of a root note and a mode. 
  • The root note is the first note of the mode.
  • A mode is a set of (usually 1 and 2 semitone) intervals from note to note adding up to an octave. The most common modes are major and minor. Of these, only C major and A minor have no sharps or flats.
  • Due to the irregular pattern of intervals from note to note, each mode has a unique musical character.
  • To make a scale on a different root note, choose the mode with the character that you want, e.g. major or minor, and write in the note you want to be the root note.
  • To find names for the other notes, start with the root note and count 1 or 2 semitones to the next note, according to the mode. Write the 2nd note in, count  semitones to the 3rd note and so on, all the way to the octave.
  • Each note of a scale should have its own letter. Work from left to right, using the next letter each time, as you go.

This post is one of a growing series of free basic music theory lessons on my blog, musictheoryde-mystified.com. You can see the complete list here.

Please feel welcome to like, comment or to share this post. If you have any questions, pleased leave them as a comment and I will respond as soon as I can. If you enjoy my posts and would like to be kept up to date, please subscribe.

NEXT LESSON: 11. Introduction To Keys and Key Signatures: Major Keys

PART 1 CONTENTS: Basic Music Theory Course Contents


Bb C D Eb F G A Bb

A B C# D E F# G# A

C D Eb F G Ab Bb C

F# G# A B C# D E F#

9. Accidentals, Sharpen and Flatten

This post is one of a 2-part series of free basic music theory lessons on my blog, musictheoryde-mystified.com. You can see the complete list here. Please feel welcome to make a comment or ask a question.

The term accidental has two similar meanings:

  • In general terms, an accidental is a symbol that affects the pitch of a note. The main accidentals are sharp, flat and natural.
  • In a musical context, the term accidental is also used to describe a note that doesn’t belong to the key of the piece; the scale that the piece is based on.

Give Me A Sign…

Symbols for accidentals such as # or b are called signs, not symbols.

  • A sharp sign acts like a plus sign: it adds 1 semitone to the pitch.
  • A flat sign acts like a minus sign: it subtracts 1 semitone from the pitch.
  • A natural sign cancels a previous sharp or flat.

Back in our first lesson we briefly looked at sharps and flats. Here’s a reminder.

  • For notes on a stave, accidentals are written before the note, immediately to the left of and at the same pitch position as the notehead.
  • When written as text, accidentals are written after the letter.

Writing a sharp next to a note raises its pitch by one semitone, without changing its name. Sharp = natural plus 1 semitone.

For instance, B# is one semitone higher than B. C is also 1 semitone higher than B. C is a much easier name than B#, so normally you’d call that note C. However, in some circumstances, the name B# is appropriate. We will see some examples of this in the next few posts.

A flat does the opposite to a sharp. Writing a flat next to a note lowers its pitch by a semitone, again without changing its name. Flat = natural minus 1 semitone.

Again, there are occasions where an unlikely name such as Cb is more appropriate than the natural, B.

Here are some more accidentals.

The letter notes are naturals; they aren’t raised or lowered. Normally we don’t need a sign to indicate that. However, if we’ve just used a sharp or flat (e.g. F#) and we want to follow it with the natural (F), we use the natural sign to indicate that the sharp or flat is now cancelled.

Double Trouble

There may not seem any point at this stage, but a note can be raised or lowered by as much as 2 semitones! We do this using the double sharp or double flat signs.

We already had 2 possible names for most notes, now we have even more!

Double sharps and double flats aren’t that common. We don’t randomly name a note as double sharp! It requires a really good reason to use them.

Nonetheless, notes are named according to their function in the music and sometimes their use is appropriate. If you see one, don’t worry – it’s just more of the same, “sharp sharp” or “flat flat”…

Sharpen And Flatten

To sharpen or flatten means to raise or lower a note by 1 semitone while keeping the same note name. For instance, if we change an F to an F# or a Bb to a B, we have sharpened it. You might ask, “why would we change any notes in a scale?”

In real life, we’re talking about musical pieces, not scales. Most music doesn’t just stick with the one scale for the whole piece. Also, notes can be changed temporarily just for effect, such as an ornament.

The note naming rule requires that each note in the scale has its own letter. If a note temporarily replaces a scale note it must use the name of the note it replaces. We use an accidental to make it the right pitch. 

For example, if F and G are both scale notes and we want to write the note in between, it’s name depends on whether it replaces F or G in the scale. If it replaces F, it’s sharpened (= F#). If it replaces G, it’s flattened (= Gb).

Some scales have lots of sharps or flats. The note which is sharpened may already be a sharp in the scale. In that case we use a double sharp. Similarly, if we flatten a note that was already a flat it becomes a double flat. Double sharps and double flats, although fairly rare, are no big deal…

  • To sharpen a note is to raise it by 1 semitone without changing its name. A double flat becomes a flat, a flat becomes a natural, a natural becomes a sharp and a sharp becomes a double sharp.
  • To flatten a note is to lower it by 1 semitone without changing its name. A double sharp becomes a sharp, a sharp becomes a natural, a natural becomes a flat and a flat becomes a double flat.
Each arrow represents 1 semitone

If you change the note name, you are NOT sharpening or flattening, you’re using a different note!

Try These 

Grab a pencil and a piece of paper and try some sharpening and flattening. Actually doing it is the best way to learn…

Sharpen the following notes:

Bb, C, G#

Flatten the following notes:

C#, A, Db

Answers at end of post.

This post is one of a growing series of free basic music theory lessons on my blog, musictheoryde-mystified.com. You can see the complete list here.

Please feel welcome to like, comment or to share this post. If you have any questions, pleased leave them as a comment and I will respond as soon as I can. If you enjoy my posts and would like to be kept up to date, please subscribe.

NEXT LESSON: 10. How To Find The Notes Of A Scale

PART 1 CONTENTS: Basic Music Theory Course Contents







The Note Naming Rule For Scales And Keys

Each note in a key or scale must have its own letter.

Most Western scales have 7 notes. Including those with a sharp or flat in their name, most notes have two possible names.
We have 7 letters for note names and 7 pitch positions per octave on a stave. It makes sense that each note in a scale has a different letter as it’s name.

(Graphic, dots, D major scale with wrong crossed out and right notes)

Music notation is very visual. We can see the notes climb and descend as the melody itself climbs and descends. As we can see from the two versions of D major below, if two different notes in a scale share the same note name there are two different pitches sharing the same place on the stave and needing constant accidentals (sharps/flats/naturals) to show which is which. There is also one unused position, leaving a gap in the visual that we don’t hear.

(Sib graphics of D major melody, wrong/right notes)

If there are two possible names for a note, always choose the name that’s not used by any other notes in that key or scale.

5. How Long Is A Note? Note Values 1

This post is one of a 2-part series of free basic music theory lessons on my blog, musictheoryde-mystified.com. You can see the complete list here. Please feel welcome to make a comment or ask a question.

Note Length

In 3. Beats, Tempo And Timing we saw that the length of a note is counted in beats, and that the length of a beat is determined by the tempo. For instance, when the tempo is 60 bpm (beats per minute), 1 beat is 1 second long: for a tempo of 120 bpm, 1 beat is 1/2 second long. Notes can be any length, from a number of beats to a fraction of a beat.

Note Values

Although we count in beats, not all notes are a beat, or even a whole number of beats, in length. Some are longer, some shorter.

The symbols for note length are called note values. How we interpret these symbols depends on the time signature. Time signatures are a subject for a later post, but let me say for now that the most popular time signature, common time, as well as several others, use the crotchet (quarter note) to represent one beat. For the rest of this post I will refer to a crotchet as 1 beat.

Tempo markings often include the note value which represents 1 beat. When a crotchet = 1 beat, a tempo of 60 bpm is indicated as follows:

60 crotchet beats per minute

Funny Names

There is both an English and an American name for each note value. The American name is a fraction based on a whole note equaling the number 1 (1 = whole). The next shorter shorter note is half its length and is called a half note, etc. The “1” refers to 1 bar in the most common time signature of all, 4/4, which has 4 beats per bar.

The English names are old-fashioned names meaning various degrees of “short”, harking back to the original Medieval runes and the gradual evolution of note symbols since.

On the whole I will be using the English names to avoid confusion between a half note and half a beat, etc. However, I recommend learning the American names as well: note values as fractions are the key to interpreting time signatures. In the table below, I have listed both names.

Table of Note Values

The following table lists the most common note values from longest to shortest. The “Usual Length” column shows the length in beats in common time.

Regardless of time signature, the note values are always proportional to each other. Each note value in the table always equals two of the note value below it. A semibreve = 2 minims, a minim = 2 crotchets etc.

The longest note value is called a semibreve because originally there was an even longer note, the breve. The breve is seldom used these days because, at 8 beats long, most time signatures don’t have bars long enough to be able to fit a breve within a bar.

Don’t be daunted by all these symbols. Just focus on the note values that are 1 beat or longer to start with; the ones bordered in green. It’s much easier to add beats together to play longer notes than to divide a beat into halves or quarters. Later you can include quavers, and eventually, semiquavers. Demisemiquavers are much less common.

Stem direction

All but the longest note values have a stem. The stems in the above tables are shown as extending upward from the notehead.

In 2. Notes On a Stave: Pitch we saw that on a stave, the stem’s position and direction depends on where the notehead sits on the stave.

  • Notes which are on or above the middle line of the stave have their stems on the left of the notehead, extending down.
  • Notes below the middle line of the stave have their stems on the right of the notehead, extending up.

Tails and beams are always at the outer end of the stem.

Tails and Beams

Notes shorter than a crotchet have a tail. The shorter the note, the more lines make up the tail. When there are several short notes in succession, their tails are joined together to form a beam. Beams generally join the notes in 1-beat groups such as 2 quavers, 4 semiquavers etc. This allows us to see which notes are on the beats, making the music easier to follow. It’s also a cleaner, less cluttered look.

The exception is quavers/ eighth notes, which can be joined together in one-, two- or even three-beat groups.

Below is an example of the different note values, with the shorter notes beamed in groups. In this example the quavers are beamed in groups of 2 beats (4 quavers).

The vertical lines, called barlines, occur every 4 beats, as in the time signature 4/4. In 4/4, a semibreve lasts for 1 bar.

As you listen, you will hear a metronome tick at 80 bpm and repeated notes of the different note values played over it. The use of different note pitches is just for listening convenience.

Notice that the demisemiquavers have only their outer tail beamed in whole beats: the inner tails are beamed in half-beats. This is a popular convention for an even cleaner look but not necessary. Some publishers beam all demisemiquaver tails in whole beats.

Dotted Notes

A note can be any length. For example, we may want a note to last for 3 beats rather than 2 or 4 beats. One option is to use a dotted note.

Each note value can have a dot beside it, to the right. The dot adds half the length of the note value: the dotted note is one and a half times the length of the note without the dot. Effectively, the dot represents the note value directly below the note in the note value table above. For example, a dotted minim (3 beats) = a minim (2 beats) plus a crotchet (1 beat).

The best way to get used to note values is to try to play some written music; notation means nothing until you try to play what you see. Start with something simple such as a children’s song or a melody that you’re very familiar with. If that seems too difficult, please visit my earlier post, 3. Beats, Tempo and Timing, which has some simple timing exercises that might provide a good starting point.

For more, see 7. Rest Values, How To Count Rests. In upcoming posts I hope to provide more information on note length, time signatures and rhythm.

Please feel welcome to like, comment or to share this post. If you have any questions, pleased leave them as a comment and I will respond as soon as I can. If you enjoy my posts and would like to be kept up to date, please subscribe.

The movie is taken from Music Theory De-mystified, my upcoming music theory e-book, due to be released in 2023.

NEXT LESSON: 6. Time Signatures 1 – Simple Time

PART 1 CONTENTS: Basic Music Theory Course Contents

4. Bars, How To Count In Bars And Beats

This post is one of a 2-part series of free basic music theory lessons on my blog, musictheoryde-mystified.com. You can see the complete list here. Please feel welcome to make a comment or ask a question.


When we listen to music, we can generally “follow the music”: we have a sense of where we are within the piece. This is because, other than ambient music, much of what we recognise as music has a structure. Let’s zoom in on a piece from the outside…

Most pieces are made up of sections. In a popular work a typical section might be a verse, chorus or bridge. A classical work might have large-scale sections called movements as well as smaller sections within a movement such as exposition, development and recapitulation.

Within each section, the music is made up of phrases. In the language of music, phrases are the equivalent of phrases in speech. Question marks, full stops and commas all have their musical equivalent.

In music, each phrase is typically made up of a number of bars. Bars provide a way of dividing a phrase up into manageable chunks that we can see and hear.

In Western music culture we seem to be attracted to the number 4. Phrases in many genres are often 4 bars long. In a typical 4-bar phrase, we can feel the phrase get started in the first bar and arrive at a note or chord in the 4th bar. Please note that this is a very general statement for illustration purposes: music is certainly not restricted to phrases of 4 bars, or even of a whole number of bars. Overall, though, many melodies are made up of 4-bar phrases.


Each bar is made up of a number of beats. Usually all the bars in a section have the same number of beats (but again this isn’t always the case). The boundary between one bar and the next is marked by a vertical line through the stave called a barline. Barlines are convenient markers to help navigate through the notes. Without barlines it would be easy to get lost when trying to read music.

The following example has bars which are 4 beats long:

Bars aren’t just visual: they form part of the structure of the music. Not only can we count the number of bars in a phrase, but we can count the number of beats in a bar. The beats are a reference for where we are in a bar, just as bars are a reference for where we are in a phrase.

A bar can be any number of beats in length but if a bar is too long we feel the need to mentally divide it into smaller chunks. Bars are easiest to feel when they have a small number of beats. Most typically, bars are made up of 2, 3 or 4 beats.

The first beat of a bar has an implied emphasis. This can be articulated in the music by making the note on the first beat of each bar stronger/louder. Even when the music is intended to be played smoothly and evenly, musicians tend to “play” that emphasis in their mind as they count.

Counting in bars and beats

Being able to count or tap to the music in beats and bars is an essential skill for the aspiring musician. In the previous post, 3. Beats, Tempo and Timing, we looked at some basic counting exercises. There we counted to 2, so there were 2 beats in each bar.

Try This…

As a quick exercise, listen to a piece of music you enjoy and tap where you feel the beats might go. Once you settle into the tempo, try counting “1,2”, then “1,2,3” then “1,2,3,4” and see which of these seems to fit the structure of the phrases. As you count, emphasise “1” a little.

If the piece has a rhythmic accompaniment, beat 1 might be emphasised by one or more of the accompanying instruments. For instance, in a typical rock song, the bass drum plays the first beat of the bar. Even without such accompaniment, the right number of beats per bar will “make sense” and fit the phrases, whereas the wrong number will, at times, feel out of step.

As 4 is two lots of 2, the difference between counting to 2 and to 4 isn’t always obvious, but counting to 3 feels quite different than 2 or 4.


Below is the audio only for two simple melodies. One has 2 beats per bar, the other has 3. Listen to both and count “1,2” or “1,2,3”. See if you can tell which is which… (the answer is at the end of this post).

NOTE: Both melodies are at a medium-fast tempo but the tempo is slightly different for each. For each melody, listen first and tap along to the tempo. Only start counting when you feel that you’ve settled in to the tempo.

This post is one of a growing series of free basic music theory lessons on my blog, musictheoryde-mystified.com. You can see the complete list here.

Please feel welcome to like, comment or to share this post. If you have any questions, pleased leave them as a comment and I will respond as soon as I can. If you enjoy my posts and would like to be kept up to date, please subscribe.

Parts of this post, including the movie above, are taken from Music Theory De-mystified, my upcoming music theory e-book, due to be released late 2023.

NEXT LESSON: 5. How Long Is A Note? Note Values 1

PART 1 CONTENTS: Basic Music Theory Course Contents

Answer: The first melody has 3 beats per bar, the second melody has 2 beats per bar.

3. Beats, Tempo and Timing

This post is one of a 2-part series of free basic music theory lessons on my blog, musictheoryde-mystified.com. You can see the complete list here. Please feel welcome to make a comment or ask a question.

Beats and note length

Music is made up of notes and rests of varying length. The musical unit of note length is the beat.


The duration of a note or rest isn’t written in absolute time: we don’t say a note is 3 seconds or half a second long. Instead, we say it is 3 beats long or half a beat long. We use symbols to indicate the length of a note as a number of beats or a fraction of a beat. For more on the symbols for note length, please see 5. How Long Is A Note? Note Values 1


How long a beat lasts depends on the tempo. Think of a clock that doesn’t just tick every second, but that has a dial that lets you set the tick to any speed you like (this actually exists, both as a mechanical ticker and as an app: it’s called a metronome). The speed of the ticking is the tempo. Tempo is measured in beats per minute or bpm.

Each tick represents the start of one beat, so a note that is one beat long and starts on a tick will last until the next tick.


Notes can start on a beat or between beats. The relationship between the actual notes of a part and the tempo is called timing. Being able to accurately play the note lengths in relation to the tempo is called playing in time.

Timing is also the basis of how musicians can play together in a co-ordinated way. Large ensembles often use a conductor for this purpose. The conductor acts as a human metronome, using gestures to indicate the beats and thus control the tempo.

The tempo of a song is often constant, especially in many modern genres, but it is also possible for the tempo to change within a piece.

Counting the beat

The standard metronome has a range of 40-208 bpm, which roughly parallels the range of human heart rates. This represents our range of experience of what feels like a beat. For example, try counting “1, 2, 3, 4” or “1, 2, 3” along to metronome ticks of various tempi.

Slower than about 40 bpm we can’t “join the dots”; we don’t feel the link from one beat to the next clearly enough to be able to count steadily and we’re tempted to insert the word “and” between counts: of course, this effectively doubles our counting speed, even though we’re using a different word.

Faster than about 200 bpm it becomes hard to feel each count as a proper beat: more like a half-beat: and we want to count every 2nd beat instead.

Some music isn’t played in any set tempo, but a kind of flexi-time. This is formally called rubato but the English word freely can be used instead if you prefer. Rubato is prominent in operatic arias and other “story-telling” genres such as ballads.

Musicianship: the bridge between theory and practice

Often music is thought of as two subjects, theory and practical: the reading and understanding of musical language and learning to play an instrument. There is an important third element called musicianship. Think of musicianship as practical theory, general musical skills independent of the instrument you play.

One aspect of musicianship is timing. Aspiring musicians need to master some basic skills such as being able to play to an external beat, be it from a metronome or other players. Some people have a natural ability to feel the beat, while others need some exercises to develop this ability.

Basic timing practice

The following examples use two note symbols. The first is called a crotchet or quarter note: here it represents a length of 1 beat. The second is called a quaver or eighth note and represents half a beat. More on note length in a later post.

I have already mentioned the first step, the ability to count or play a note steadily to a beat at various tempi. Try counting “1, 2” first, then playing. You can play any note: often it’s easier to play two different notes, depending on your instrument.

If you had trouble counting to the beat as above, practice at a medium tempo such as 90bpm first as it’s neither too slow to feel nor too fast to play.

TIP: Listen to the metronome first before starting to count or play. Let yourself feel the tempo for as long as you like: it’ll be much easier to play in time.

A variation of the above exercise is to tap your foot at a set tempo and play together with your taps.

The next step is to be able to divide a beat into halves. It may help to use the word “and”, at least mentally, to mark the half beats. This makes it feel like you’re counting twice as often, which is certainly easier for slower tempi. The trick is to make sure the halves occur exactly halfway between the beats: at first, they may be uneven. Try playing along to the example below.

Gradually increase the tempo until you can play quite fast.

Once you can play steadily every half beat at a faster tempo such as 120bpm as above, try leaving out the “and”s in your count.

It may take a little while to be able to keep up the steady rhythm of even halves. The more you practice, the more stamina you develop and the longer you can keep the halves even. After a while you’ll wonder how it could ever have been difficult…

Other simple rhythms are also worth learning, such as alternating a whole beat and two half beats or playing only the off-beat halves (the “ands”). This latter is the basis of syncopation (more on this in another post). It’s also worth learning to divide a beat into uneven pairs, long then short, called swing or swung eighths. Effectively, the long note is 2/3 of a beat and the short note, 1/3 of a beat. Another good exercise is to divide the beat into thirds, 3 equal parts.

The above exercises form the basis of many common rhythms.

More timing practice

Playing in time is one of the critical skills required when playing in an ensemble, whether a duo, band, choir or orchestra. Complete musicianship teaching methods are available, covering timing, rhythm, pitching intervals and more.

In my upcoming music theory book, Music Theory De-mystified, I have included two chapters on musicianship. The timing exercises above are taken from one of these chapters. The other chapter is about learning to recognise intervals (the pitch relationship between two notes) by being able to sing or play them.

This post is one of a growing series of free basic music theory lessons on my blog, musictheoryde-mystified.com. You can see the complete list here.

Please feel welcome to like, comment or to share this post. If you have any questions, pleased leave them as a comment and I will respond as soon as I can. If you enjoy my posts and would like to be kept up to date, please subscribe.

Substantial parts of this post, including the movies above, are taken from Music Theory De-mystified, my upcoming music theory e-book, due to be released late 2023.

NEXT LESSON: 4. Bars, How To Count In Bars And Beats

PART 1 CONTENTS: Basic Music Theory Course Contents

2. Notes on a Stave: Pitch

This post is one of a 2-part series of free basic music theory lessons on my blog, musictheoryde-mystified.com. You can see the complete list here. Please feel welcome to make a comment or ask a question.

In 1. Note Names, Semitones and Octaves we saw how the notes are named and how far apart they are in pitch. Now let’s look at how they are represented in music notation.


A note symbol can have up to 3 parts: notehead, stem and tail.

Parts of a Note

The note’s pitch is indicated by the notehead’s position on a stave.

A notehead can be solid, as above, or hollow but this doesn’t alter its pitch. Hollow noteheads are used to indicate longer notes. Tails are only used for short notes.

You can read more on note length in 5. How Long Is A Note? Note Values 1.


A stave is a set of 5 lines on which musical notes can be written. The pitch of a note is indicated by the notehead’s vertical position on the stave. The higher the notehead, the higher the pitch.

The note can either sit on a line or between lines (see Notes on a stave, below). Each position represents a letter. Flats and sharps don’t alter this position: A flat, A natural and A sharp all have the same position on a stave. The flat or sharp is indicated by a b or # sign preceding the note.

NOTE: My post is about standard music notation. For certain instruments and genres there are special staves with less or more lines. Different types of noteheads can also be used.


A clef tells us which note position represents each letter as well as at which octave. This allows us to adjust the usable part of the stave to fit the range of various instruments.

The most common clefs are the treble clef, also known as the G clef, and the bass clef, also called the F clef.

  • The curl in the treble clef centres on the G above middle C
  • The two dots of the bass clef surround the note F below middle C
Treble and Bass Clef

Various other clefs exist for specific instruments. Even the guitar has a different clef, the tenor clef, which looks like a treble clef but with an “8” attached to the lowest point. The notes look the same as the treble clef but sound an octave lower to suit the guitar’s normal range.

Notes on a stave

Here are the naturals for 2 octaves, starting in the bass clef then continuing in the treble clef.

C major Piano Stave

Note that there is a curly bracket at the left which joins the two staves. This indicates that the staves are used together, as one larger stave, known as the great stave or grand staff. The great stave is useful for keyboard instruments such as the piano, as piano’s range is much too large to be represented on one stave. Also, a pianist’s left hand typically plays bass notes and the right hand plays treble notes.

Stem Direction

The stem goes down from the notehead for higher pitches and up for lower notes.

  • When the notehead sits on or above the middle line of the stave, the stem is on the left side of the notehead and goes downwards.
  • when the notehead sits below the middle line of the stave, the stem is on the right side of the notehead and goes upwards.

Ledger lines

Middle C is actually one line above the stave on the bass clef, It’s also one line below the stave on the treble clef. A short line called a ledger line is drawn to indicate this.

Ledger lines can be used to extend the range you can write on a stave, both above and below the stave. Many instruments have a range larger than what fits within a stave.

Try These…

1 Write down the note names of the following notes:

2 On some manuscript paper, write a treble clef on one stave and a bass clef on the stave below it. Now write the following notes on each stave. Use ledger lines when needed:

  • G on the lower part of the stave
  • C in the stave
  • A at or above the top of the stave
  • D at or below the bottom of the stave
  • C above the stave
  • G below the stave
  • E on the upper part of the stave
  • F at or below the bottom of the stave

Answers at the bottom of this post.

Please feel welcome to like, comment or to share this post. If you have any questions, pleased leave them as a comment and I will respond as soon as I can. If you enjoy my posts and would like to be kept up to date, please subscribe.

Graphics taken from The Tiny Music Theory Book, a short, easy to read guide to the essentials of music theory and notation, available here.

NEXT LESSON: 3. Beats, Tempo and Timing

PART 1 CONTENTS: Basic Music Theory Course Contents

Answers to Try These…