Is This You?
- I’m a beginner and I’m curious about how music works
- I’m a self-taught musician and I want to learn about music theory but I don’t like learning lots of rules
- I don’t read music but I want to increase my understanding of music
- I was taught some music theory but it all seems confusing and full of rules. I don’t see the point…
If you answered “yes” to any of these, Music Theory De-mystified Free Basic Music Theory Course is the course for you.
No fees, no account required, no ads!
To start, simply visit Basic Music Theory Course Contents.
The course consists of two parts of around 20 short lessons each, covering all the basics, from note names, scales and basic rhythms to chords.
Lessons can be done individually, in modules of just a few lessons at a time, or as a complete course. Most lessons only take around 10 minutes to read and, for lessons that include exercises, less than an hour to complete.
Music Theory De-mystified Free Basic Music Theory Course starts from scratch. It assumes nothing. The theory taught applies to all genres and styles: it is equally relevant to popular and classical music.
Hear it and see it for yourself!
There is an emphasis on listening and understanding. Lessons are amply illustrated with audio and diagrams as well as music notation.
No rules, just explanations. Descriptions are clear and concise and every major point is demonstrated: no need to take it on faith.
- Lessons contain clear How-to sections complete with examples and exercises.
- Lessons on scales, intervals, timing and rhythm include practical exercises designed to develop basic musicianship skills.
To start, simply visit Basic Music Theory Course Contents.
Music Theory De-mystified also contains various related posts including a growing series of tips and hacks as well as investigative articles about how music works.
Music Theory De-mystified is an ever-growing free resource. To keep up to date with new posts, please subscribe to my blog.